Lucas Browne: If I Land That Right Hand on Anyone – They Go To Sleep!

Boxing Scene

Former WBA “regular” heavyweight champion Lucas “Big Daddy” Browne took his boxing career into his own hands, or should that be into his right hand, by taking out Junior Fa in two minutes on the Kambosos v Haney undercard this past Sunday.  

A huge underdog leading into the fight the 43 year old Aussie stunned his opponent with a thunderous right hand that left him quivering on the canvas.  Amazingly Fa beat the count and was somehow allowed to continue, before another right hand ended matters, just seconds later.

“I know that if I land that right hand on anyone, they’re going to sleep.  Somewhere along the line I perhaps got a little too cute, trying to box more rather than bombing people out.  Heading into this fight I knew I wanted to get back to doing what I do best, putting people to sleep,” he said.  

The result opens plenty of doors for the now 31-3 (27 KO) slugger from Perth, Western Australia.

“I appreciate the opportunity Lou DiBella gave me and since the win I’ve been contacted already by some of the biggest promoters in the world.  But for now, I’m going to enjoy a week or two off with my family and when the time is right, we will look at what offers we have.  I’ve never been afraid to travel overseas, the majority of my big fights have happened there. But it was also nice to win such a huge fight in front of a crowd that was cheering me on,” Browne said.

When asked about the knockdowns Browne stated: “The first shot caught him high on the temple and side of his head.  His balance was absolutely shot.  I didn’t want the fight to go on because that’s when it gets dangerous.  As I threw the second right hand, he turned his head.  Unfortunately that’s on him.  I wish him all the best in his career.  We spoke after the fight, I’ve got all the respect in the world for him.  I reminded him that two fights ago the same thing happened to me.  You’re never truly out of it in boxing provided you’ve got self belief and power”.  

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